Brother MFC-9340CDW Drum Reset Instructions
- News
- 01 Jan, 2020
When the "Replace Drum" message appears on your Brother MFC-9340 CDW printer, you can process the following instructions to reset the drum counter back to zero:
1- Press Cancel (❎) to interrupt the error
2- Press Settings - Settings buttons looks like a spanner/screwdriver
3- Press "All Settings"
4- Press the Up or Down arrow key to display "Machine Info"
5- Press "Machine Info"
6- Press "Parts Life"
7- Touch the dial pad area to light up the LEDs.
8- Press # until the machine's display message changes
9- Press the color of the drum unit you want to reset
10- Press Yes
11- Press Home button
Please note: Resetting the drum unit will not improve print quality.
It only resets your drum and allows you to continue to print.
If you decide to change any part for your Brother MFC-9340CDW, you can click on the following link for more information and prices: